最新实施日期:2020年6月15日 版本号:1 修订号:2
Procedures for Management of Granting, Maintaining, Extending, Reducing, Renewing, Suspending and Withdrawing Certification
1 目的 Purpose
Establishment of this procedure is to ensure the consistency of certificate in organization’s management system certification with regulated requirements, maintaining the authoritativeness and effectiveness of certification certificate, certification mark.
2 适用范围 Applicable scope
It applies to extending, reducing of certification scope and management of granting, refusing, maintaining of certification, expanding or reducing the scope of certification, renewing, suspending or restoring following suspension, or withdrawing of certification.
3 职责 Responsibilities
3.1 客服部/审核部负责对获证组织认证范围的扩大、缩小申请的受理和管理工作;
Customer service department/audit department are responsible for accepting and managing the certification scope extending and reducing for certificated organization.
3.2 客服部/技委会/证书管理人员负责执行证书的暂停、撤销和恢复工作及负责在本机构信息管理系统/CCAA 禁转系统中办理相关作业;
Customer service department/technical committee /certification management person are responsible for suspending, withdrawing and recovering the certificates and handle the relevant procedures in the our information management system and CCAA non-transfer system;
3.3 信息上报人员负责向国家主管部门上报获证组织数据;
Information reported person is responsible for declaring the certificate data to national authorized departments.
3.4 认证决定人员负责对审核资料进行技术审定并作出认证决定;
Decision makers are responsible for technical review for audit documents and make the certification decision;
3.5 本机构总经理负责管理体系证书的授予、拒绝、保持、更新、扩大、缩小、暂停、恢复或撤销认证或者扩大或缩小认证范围。
General manager of our company is responsible for granting, refusing, maintaining of certification, expanding or reducing the scope of certification, renewing, suspending or restoring following suspension, or withdrawing of certification.
4 工作程序 Working Procedures
4.1 认证的批准 Approval of certification
4.1.1 审核组确认受审核方已进行了一次覆盖标准全部要求的完整内部审核,并且内部审核和管理评审的有效性得到验证,在认证审核报告中同意推荐注册。本机构技委会对审核组提交的管理体系认证审核的相关记录审查合格后,提交认证决定人员进行审定。具体执行《认证决定管理程序》的规定。
Audit team confirm that the auditee has been carried out the complete internal audit that cover all requirements of standard once, and the validity of internal audit and management review are validated, it’s approved to recommend the registration in the certification audit report. The technical committee of our company inspect the relevant record of management system certification audit which submit by audit team be qualified, and submit to the certification decision makers to approve. Specifically implement the regulation of “management procedure of certification decision”.
4.1.2 批准发证 Approval and issue of certificates经认证决定人员审定过的资料,若满足认证要求,由认证决定人员填写《报告评审暨认证决定表》,本机构总经理/授权人签发认证证书,证书管理人员负责证书的打印工作和做好证书的发放登记并在本机构网站上公布;
The documents which approved by certification decision makers could meet the requirement of certification, the certification decision makers fill the “Management System Report Review & Job Progress Checklist” and submit to general manager/authorizer for issuing the certificate (subcontracting management system certification project is issued the certificates by of head office),Certification management person is responsible for printing and registering on the website. 信息上报人员负责上报上级主管部门。
Information reported person is responsible for reporting accreditation body senior administration body.
4.2 认证的保持 Maintenance of registration
本机构管理体系认证证书的有效期为三年,自认证决定批准认证之日起计算。作为最低要求,在初次认证的第二阶段审核后至少 12 个月内应进行一次监督审核。此后,每次监督审核的时间间隔不超过 12 个月。在认证证书有效期期满前三个月,获证组织须向本机构提出重新认证(再认证)的申请。在认证证书有效期内,如获证组织的管理体系变更时,或管理体系认证所依据的管理体系标准变更时,应当重新申请监督或再认证。
The certification certificate of management system of our organization is valid for three years, calculating from the date of certification decision approval. As a minimum requirement, the first surveillance shall be carried out within 12 months right after the date of stage two audit of initial certification. Afterward, interval time between each surveillance shall be less than 12 months. The certified organization shall submit the application for the certification again (recertification) to our organization three months ahead of the expiry date of certification certificate. Within the valid time of the certification certificate, if the management system of the certified organization has changed, or management system standard which management system certification base on, has changed, the surveillance audit or recertification audit shall be applied for again.
When it meets following conditions, HIC can maintain client’s certification in accordance with the affirmative conclusion of audit team leader:
a) 任何严重不符合项或其他可能导致暂停或撤销的情况已经有适宜能力的认证决定人员复核;
For any nonconformance which may results in the certification’s suspending and withdrawal or other situations , has been reviewed by certification decision maker the adequate competence and is not involved in this audit ;
b) 监督审核报告已经有适宜能力且未参与审核的认证决定人员复核;
The surveillance audit report has been reviewed by certification decision maker, who with adequate competence and is not involved in this audit;
4.3 管理体系认证范围的变更 Change of certification scope of management system
4.3.1 当获证组织在原认证范围外(法律规定的经营范围内)建立了符合管理体系标准要求的文件化管理体系并有效实施,可以向本机构提交扩大认证范围的申请(填写《管理体系变更申请表》);
Certified organization able to submit the change application for extending the certification scope to our company (fill the Form6110“Management System Change Application From”) when the certificated organization establish the documental management system according to the requirement of management system standard and implement effectively the scope which outside of the original certification scope (comply with the business license scope required by law).
4.3.2 经监督审核及其他信息表明,获证组织管理体系运行及覆盖的产品达不到标准要求或获证组织经营范围变更需缩小认证范围,可以向本机构提交缩小认证范围的申请(填写《管理体系变更申请表》)。
Through the surveillance and other information indicate that, the management system operating and the covering products of certificated organization couldn’t meet the standard requirement or the business scope change of certificated organization need to reduce the certification scope, they could submit the application for reducing the certification scope to our company (fill the Form6110“Management System Change Application From”).
4.4 认证范围扩大 Extending certification scope
4.4.1 扩大分类 classification of extending 获证组织在原有的认证范围中增加其产品(或服务)种类,如某化工企业原认证范围为三氟二氯乙烷的生产,现申请扩大认证范围为:三氟二氯乙烷、五氟乙烷的生产;
The certificated organization increase the products (or service) category from the original certification scope, such as the original certification scope of a industry company is manufacture of difluoro trichloro ethane, but right now they apply for extending the certification scope to be the manufacture of difluoro trichloro ethane and Chloropen tafluoro ethane. 获证组织生产(或服务)场所增加,如某商业银行原认证范围中包括 18 个支行,现申请认证范围扩大为 30 个支行;
The manufacture (or service) site of certificated organization increased, such as the original certification scope of a commercial bank includes 18 branches, but the current application certification scope extend to be 30 braches. 获证组织进入一个新的业务范围,如某制造业企业在取得相关资质许可的前提下申请其认证范围扩大至建设类。
The certificated organization enter into a new business scope, such as the manufacturing factory applies for extending to construction, the premise is to obtain the relevant qualification required by relevant regulatory and then apply to increase to this scope.
4.4.2 扩大管理 Extending management 当申请方申请扩大获证组织原有管理体系认证范围时,需提供变更的体系文件和相应的资料,客服部受理后按合同评审的规定,转交有关部门进行评审和安排审核。
When the applicant applies for extending the original certification scope of certificated organization, they need to provide the changed system files and relevant documents, the customer service department accept the change application and organize the contract review for the changed scope and forward to other department for review and arrange the on-site audit. 本机构将委派审核组对获证组织管理体系文件及管理体系运行是否覆盖了需扩大的认证范围进行审核,并提交现场审核的相关资料,经资料审查合格、认证决定人员审定后,如需扩大的认证范围满足认证要求,本机构将为其颁发经扩大认证范围的管理体系认证证书,同时收回原证书。
Our company shall arrange the on-site audit to verify whether the certified organization management system document and the operation cover the extending scope and submit the relevant document of the on-site audit, the certification decision maker shall review the document, if acceptable, our company will issue the certificate for the extending scope and withdraw the original certificate. 根据获证组织要求可单独进行扩大认证范围审核,也可同监督审核或再认证一起进行。单独进行扩大范围审核时,审核条款应覆盖认证标准所要求的主要条款。与监督审核同时进行时,涉及扩大认证范围的部分应对主要条款进行审核。审核项目管理人员应根据新的审核范围所涉及活动/产品的复杂性、可能的风险等级、组织新增规模等因素确定增加的审核人日。
Our company can carry out the extending scope certification independently according to client’s requirement, and also can combing with surveillance or re-certification. If the special audit for extending the certification scope only, the audit shall cover all clauses in the standard required, if combine with surveillance, the audit shall cover all clauses for the extending scope, the audit program management personnel shall consider the duration for increaed scope related activity/product complexity, possible risk level and organization scale etc factors.
4.5 认证范围缩小 Reducing certification scope
HIC shall remove the dissatisfaction parts of certified organization or reduce its certification scope if certain part of its certification scope fails to comply with the certification requirements continuously or severely.
4.5.1 缩小分类 Reducing category 认证依据标准的要求缩小;
The audit shall reduce the scope according to standard requirement. 管理体系覆盖的产品范围缩小;
The product’s scope which is covered by the quality/ environmental management system certification are reduced. 管理体系覆盖的获证区域缩小;
The certificated areas which is covered by quality/environmental management system
certification are reduced. 获证组织未能在规定的时间内对审核中发现的不符合采取有效的纠正措施。
The certificated organization couldn’t take the effective corrective action for the nonconformities which is found in the audit within the required time.
4.5.2 缩小管理 Management of reduction 当组织的产品/服务范围或组织结构因某种原因有所缩小时,组织应通知本机构。或在监督审核时,审核组发现组织的范围已缩小时,应与组织协商,确认是否缩小认证范围。
The organization should advise our company when the product/service scope or the organization structure is reduced for some reason. Either the audit team should communicate with the organization to confirm whether reduce the certification scope or not when they find the organization scope have been reduced in the surveillance. 缩小后的认证范围应满足独立认证的条件。如在本机构办公室内无法核实或经核实不能确定缩小后的认证范围是否满足独立认证条件时,应结合监督审核或安排特别监督审核进行现场确认。
The reduced certification scope should meet the condition of independent certification. Such as the audit team couldn’t check whether the reduced certification scope can meet the independent certification, they should confirm on client’s site combining with surveillance or arrange special audit. 当缩小认证范围时,可采取如下措施:
They could take the measures as below if reduce the certification scope:
If the reduced scope just causes the reduction of the environment aspect/ risk aspect and the covered departments and braches by the management system, the customer service department could report to the certification decision makers directly to confirm the reduced scope and handle the relevant procedure for updating the certificates.
—如果有可能因工艺/流程的变化、原材料的变化、生产设施的变化带来新的环境因素/ 风险因素情况,则审核部仍应安排现场审核(可结合监督或再认证进行),并对审核后的情况评定,若满足要求,可办理有关换证手续。
If the changes caused by the change of production flow chart or process, raw material,
production equipment and produced the new environmental aspect, hazardous aspect etc, and audit department shall arrange the on-site audit (can combine with surveillance or re-certification), and review the audit document and issue the changed scope after approve the audit document.
4.6 认证证书/认证标志的暂停 Suspending of certificates and marks
4.6.1 暂停准则 Suspending rules
有表明获证组织存在影响认证的持续有效性和公信力的以下情况之一时,本机构将在调查核实后的5个工作日内暂停其认证证书。本机构要求认证证书持有者暂停使用认证证书和认证标志,一般暂停期限不得超过6个月(最少为一个月),但属于第4.6.1.3 (c)项情形的暂停期可至相关单位作出许可决定之日。对于特殊的获证组织,比如明确放弃证书的、体系运行严重失效等情况,本机构可不办理暂停手续而直接撤销组织的获证证书。
Our company will suspend the usage of certificate and mark within 5 work days after check and verification, if the certified organization exists one of the following situations that has impact on continuous effectiveness and public confidence of certification. HIC requires the certificate holder to suspend using the certificate and mark. Generally, the suspending period shall not exceed 6 months (at least one month), but for the 6.1.3(C) item, the suspending finishing time can be on the date that the relevant unit makes the decision on approval. For the special certificate holders, such as they apply to give up the certificate clearly, or their system operation is not effective etc., HIC can withdraw the certificate directly without suspending it. 质量管理体系持续或严重不满足认证要求,包括对质量管理体系运行有效性要求的---本机构技委会负责管理;
The management systems of certificate holders don't meet the certification requirements constantly or badly, including the requirements on the effectiveness of management system - technical committee would manage; 不承担、履行认证合同约定的责任和义务的;包括但不限于以下内容
The organization that doesn’t commit itself to the responsibility and obligation regulated in the certification contract; including but not limited to following content.
a 未按《认证证书及标志使用规则》要求使用本机构签发的管理体系证书和认证标志---本机构技委会负责管理;
The certificate holders don’t follow the “usage rules for certificate and logo” to use the management system certificate and certification marks issued by our organization- technical committee would manage
b 管理体系发生重大变更已不满足原认证覆盖范围要求,未及时通知本机构得到妥善处理---本机构技委会负责管理;
When the management systems have significant changes, leading to failing to meet the requirement of original certification scope, however the certificate holders don’ t inform our organization to handle appropriately- technical committee would manage;
c 未按规定及时交纳有关认证费用---本机构证书管理人员负责管理;
Relevant certification fee is not paid in accordance with the regulations timely –certification management person would manage;
d 不能在规定的时限内接受监督审核、特殊审核。但在获证组织达到监督审核期限而有证据表明获证组织暂不具备实施监督审核的条件时,可以适当延长监督审核期限,但最长间隔不能超过15个月;
If the organization can’t accept the surveillance audit, special audit within a prescribed time limit, but there is evidence shows that the certified organization has no condition for the surveillance audit, the prescribed period of the surveillance audit can be extended appropriately, but the longest intervals is no more than 15 months.
e 不接受或不配合本机构组织实施的认证有效性内部稽查、国家主管部门组织实施的监督检查---本机构客服部/技委会负责管理;
The certificate holders refuse carrying out the surveillance audit, special audit within the stipulated time limit, or not accept or cooperate the internal audit for certification effectiveness carried out by our organization and supervision inspection conducted by
national authorized departments- customer service department/audit department would manage.其他违反与本机构签订的合同及其协议的规定---本机构技委会负责管理;
Other violate the provisions of the contracts and agreements signed with or organization- technical committee would manage.
a 被有关执法监管部门责令停业整顿的;
The certified organization is ordered to suspend business for rectification by the relevant law enforcement and supervision department;
b 被地方认证监管部门发现体系运行存在问题,需要暂停证书的;
The system operation of the certified organization is found problem by the local certification supervision department, the certificate shall be suspended;
c 持有的行政许可证明、资质证书、强制性认证证书等过期失效,重新提交的申请已被受理但尚未换证的;
The administrative licensing certificate, qualification certificate, compulsory certification certificate etc. held by the certified organization is overdue and lose efficacy, while the application for new certificate has been submitted and accepted but the certificate has not changed yet;
d 在监督审核、特殊审核、认证有效性内部稽查中发现的不符合项,在商定的时间内采取的纠正、纠正措施未被接受(或未被证实有效)---本机构技委会负责管理;
The correction/ corrective measures for the nonconformity found during the surveillance audit, special audit and internal audit for certification effectiveness are not accepted In the agreed time (or the effectiveness is not proved)-technical committee shall manage.
e 发生影响产品质量/环境绩效/职业健康安全绩效/食品安全/信息安全/能源管理的重大事故,或国家行业监督检查发现重大问题,新闻媒体曝光事件---本机构技委会负责管理;
The serious accidents about the products quality, environmental performance, occupational health and safety performance, food safety, or the major issues found during the supervision and inspection, events exposed by news press - technical committee would manage.
f 特殊行业,在特定时期国家有要求予以暂停的---本机构技委会负责管理;
Some certificate holders those state require to suspend for special industries, specific period of time- technical committee would manage.
g 对其投诉或任何其它信息证实获证组织不再符合本机构的相关规定要求---本机构技委会负责管理;
Because of complaints and other information that no longer meets the relevant requirements of our organization - technical committee would manage.
h 获证客户主动请求暂停---本机构客服部负责管理;
The certificate holders ask for suspension proactively- customer service department would manage.
i 其他不满足本机构认证要求的情况---本机构技委会负责管理。
Other situation that fail to meet the certification requirements - technical committee would manage.
4.6.2 暂停管理 management of Suspension 获证组织存在符合暂停准则任一情形,客服部/技委会/证书管理人员应按本机构规定向总经理提交书面《暂停认证注册资格通知函》,通知函需明确告知获证组织在暂停期间获证组织不得以任何方式使用认证证书、认证标识或引用认证信息,经本机构总经理核准后,由客服部/技委会/证书管理人员向获证组织发出《暂停认证注册资格通知函》电子邮件。因涉及技委会的暂停决定均为特殊情形,因此,技委会在向总经理提交书面《暂停认证注册资格通知函》、做出暂停决定前,需电话告知受审核方最高管理者(总经理/管理者代表)暂停原因及其后果。如受审核方对暂停决定无异议,技委会应同时将《暂停认证注册资格通知函》原件使用快递发送与获证组织,并留存复印件;如受审核方总经理/管理者代表对暂停决定提出合规、合理异议,技委会应立即报告部门经理、高层领导予以解决。
In any case that the certificated organization meets the suspension criteria, the customer service department / Technical Committee / certificate management personnel shall submit a written notification letter of suspension of certification qualification to the general manager according to the regulations of the organization. The notification letter shall clearly inform the certificated organization that the certificated organization shall not use the certification certificate, certification mark or reference certification information in any way during the suspension period, which shall be approved by the general manager of the organization The customer service department / Technical Committee / certificate management personnel shall
send the e-mail of "Notice of suspension of certification qualification" to the certificated organization. As the suspension decisions involving the technical committee are all special cases, the technical committee shall inform the top management (General Manager / management representative) of the auditee of the reasons for suspension and its consequences by telephone before submitting the written notice of suspension of certification qualification to the general manager and making the suspension decision. If the auditee has no objection to the suspension decision, the technical committee shall send the original notice of suspension of certification qualification to the certified organization by express delivery, and keep a copy; if the General Manager / management representative of the auditee raises a compliance and reasonable objection to the suspension decision, the technical committee shall immediately report to the Department Manager and senior leaders for settlement. 客服部/技委会/证书管理人员负责依据经总经理核准后的《暂停认证证书资格通知函》在本机构信息管理系统中及 CCAA 禁转系统办理暂停作业。
Customer service department/technical committee/certification management person would suspend in the information management system/CCAA non-transfer system after the General Manager approve the “notification of suspending the certificate”. 信息上报人员负责按规定应在当日内向国家行业主管部门上报暂停信息,并及时在公司网站上公布暂停信息,相关认证证书的暂停信息至少在网站上保留一个月的公布期。
According to regulation, information reported person is responsible for reporting the suspending information to national authorized departments on the current day, and timely publicizing the suspending information on the website of the company. The suspending information of relevant certification certificate will be kept on website at least one month.
4.6.3 暂停认证资格的恢复 Reinstating suspended certificate
The suspended certified client has take the action to eliminate the reason which caused the suspension, and provide the effective evidence to decision maker for review , after the approval,our company can re-instate the certificate. And update the certificate status in the company management system .
4.7 认证证书/标志的撤销 Withdrawing of certificates and marks
4.7.1 撤销准则 Withdrawn rules
获证组织有以下情形之一的,应在获得相关信息并调查核实后 5个 工作日内撤销其认证证书并要求认证证书的持有者停止使用认证证书/认证标志:
If the certified organization has one of the following situations, after gathering the relevant information, investigation and verification, our company will withdraw the certificate within
5 work days and require the certificate holder to stop using the certificate / mark: 被注销、破产或撤销法律地位证明文件的。
The legal status documentary evidence of the certified organization is cancelled, withdrawn, or the certified organization goes bankrupt. 获证组织在暂停资格的限期内未能有效地对问题实施纠正。
Those certificate holders who don’t take effective action for the non-conformities within the period of qualification withdrawn 拒绝配合认证监管部门实施的监督检查,或者对有关事项的询问和调查提供了虚假材料或信息的。
The certified organization refuses to cooperate the supervision and check from certification supervision department, or for the inquiry and investigation of relevant items, the certified organization provides the fake material or information; 出现重大的产品或服务等质量安全事故,经执法监管部门确认是获证组织违规造成的。发生影响质量、环境、职业安全/信息安全/能源管理的重大事故,造成严重不良社会影响的,经调查造成事故的原因是因为体系存在严重缺陷或组织未能在暂停期内就重大事故的原因进行调查并采取有效的纠正措施。
Those certificate holders who have the serious accidents about the products quality, environmental performance, occupational health and safety performance, and the cause is that the system has serious defects or the don’t carry out investigation the root cause of the serious accidents and take effectiveness action with the period of withdrawn. 严重违反双方认证合同规定的。
Violate seriously the provisions of the contracts and agreements signed with or organization. 有其他严重违反法律法规行为的。
Other behaviors that seriously violate the laws and regulations. 暂停认证证书的期限已满但导致暂停的问题未得到解决或纠正的(包括持有的行政许可证明、资质证书、强制性认证证书等已经过期失效但申请未获批准)。
The suspending period is finished, but the problem causes the suspending hasn’t been
resolved or corrected (including the held administrative licensing certificate, qualification certificate, compulsory certification certificate expires and lose the effectiveness, but the application is not approved). 没有运行质量管理体系或者已不具备运行条件的。
The quality management system is not running or has no condition for running. 不按相关规定正确引用和宣传获得的认证信息,造成严重影响或后果,或者认证机构已要求其纠正但超过6个月仍未纠正的。
The certified organization doesn’t correctly reference and publicize the obtained certification information according to relevant provisions, and resulting in severe impact or result, or certification body has required the certified organization to correct, but the certified organization hasn’t corrected within 6 months. 其他应当撤销认证证书的。
Other situations that the certification certificate shall be withdrawn. 获证客户主动要求撤销证书;
The certificate holders ask for withdrawn proactively 其他重大影响管理体系有效性的情况。
Other situation that great influence on management system effectiveness
4.7.2 撤销手续 Withdrawing procedures 获证组织存在符合撤销准则任一情形,客服部/技委会/证书管理人员应按本机构规定向总经理提交书面《撤销认证注册资格通知函》,通知函需明确告知获证组织在证书被撤销后,获证组织不得以任何方式使用认证证书、认证标识或引用认证信息。经本机构总经理核准后,由客服部/技委会/证书管理人员向获证组织发出《撤销认证注册资格通知函》的电子邮件。因涉及技委会的撤销决定均为特殊情形,因此,技委会在向总经理提交书面《撤销认证注册资格通知函》、做出撤销决定前,需电话告知受审核方最高管理者(总经理/管理者代表)撤销原因及其后果。如受审核方总经理/管理者代表对撤销决定提出合规、合理异议,技委会应立即报告部门经理、高层领导予以解决。
If the certificated organization meets the revocation criteria, the customer service department / Technical Committee / certificate management personnel shall submit a written notification letter of revocation of certification certificate / mark qualification to the general manager according to the regulations of the organization. The notification letter shall clearly inform the certificated organization that after the certificate is revoked, the certificated organization shall not use the certification certificate, certification mark or reference certification information in
any way. After the approval of the general manager of the organization, the customer service department / Technical Committee / certificate management personnel shall send the e-mail of "Notice of revocation of certification certificate / mark qualification" to the certificated organization. As the revocation decisions involving the technical committee are all special cases, the technical committee shall inform the top management (General Manager / management representative) of the auditee of the reasons and consequences of revocation by telephone before submitting the written notice of revocation of certification certificate / mark qualification to the general manager and making the revocation decision. If the General Manager / management representative of the auditee raises compliance and reasonable objection to the revocation decision, the technical committee shall immediately report to the
Department Manager and senior leaders for settlement. 客服部/技委会/证书管理人员负责依据经总经理核准后的《撤销认证注册资格通知函》在本机构信息管理系统中办理撤销作业。
Customer service department/technical committee / certification management person would withdraw the certificate in the information management system after the general manager approve the “withdrawing the certification certificate/mark notification”. 信息上报人员负责按规定在当日内向国家行业主管部门上报撤销信息,并及时在公司网站上公布撤销信息,相关认证证书的撤销信息至少在网站上保留一个月的公布期。
According to regulation, information reported person is responsible for reporting the
withdrawing information to national authorized departments on the current day, and timely publicizing the withdrawing information on the website of the company. The withdrawing information of relevant certification certificate will be kept on HIC Shanghai website at least one month. 认证证书自撤销之日起将不可被恢复,如获证组织申请认证证书,按初审提交申请至公司。
The certificate will not be reinstated after be withdrawn, if the client apply the certificate, should provide the initial certification application to company. 客服部/技委会/证书管理人员应及时收回撤销的认证证书负责撤销认证证书的收缴工作,回收证书并存档管理。
Customer department / technical committee/certification management person shall timely take back the withdrawn certificate, and archive for management.
5 引用文件及记录表单 References and records
5.1 HIC-217 《管理体体系变更申请表》
HIC-217 “Management System Change Application From”
5.2 HIC-107 《报告评审和认证决定表》
HIC-107 “Management System Report Review & Job Progress Checklist”
“ Notification of Suspending Certificate”
“Notification of Withdrawing the Certificate”